Thursday, June 30, 2011

What Color is Your Mind ....

its goes to.................

Your Mind is Blue!

result image

Blue is the color of softness, introspection, and perseverance. Blue minded people like to be admired for their strong character. You are at peace with yourself and the world around you, even though you realize it isn't perfect. You are not a worrier, and you aren't picky, you can easily go with the flow. You like the weather, no matter what it is and you prefer water sports. The color your life needs more of is red. It's okay to get angry sometimes, you don't always have to agree with everyone all the time. The next time someone bugs you, try to tell them how you really feel, but kindly of course. You'll find you can become closer to people if you tell them what's really on your mind, instead of trying hard to keep the peace all the time.

blue....lembut....tabah....its makes me think twice.....oh ya....entah ler aku pun decribes attitude aku sendiri pun payah....sebab aku belum benar2 mengenali diri ini.....dat means maybe only half of me yang aku dah boleh agak...habits....yang lagey half turh mungkin sekejap lagey...sebulan ...setahun lagey ker kot baru aku tahu attitude aku nih gi mane....sebab attitude sendiri takkan kita kot nak describes bagai nak rak...turh namanyer angkat bakul sendiri lah.....riak nampak sangat ler turh...hahahha.....sometimes kita kena dengar apa orang sekeliling kita cakap kat kita...sebab kekadang orang sekeliling selalu nya nampak ape yang kena n tak kena dengan attitudes kita nih....walaupun kadang kala sakit hati nak dengar...sebab dah tentunya komen jew memanjang yang baik nyer ader 1 or 2 jew kot...sebab kekadang kita boleh berubah when orang cakap ur attitude is not good enough...."berubah untuk menjadi lebih baik adalah benda yang paling susah kita nak buat kan'...right... kahkhakahaa...being better....i need red colour....ala...turh feveret colour aku dulo..dulo...sekarang nih aku dah jadi rainbow...semua colour aku redah jew..janji design lawa.....but i really...really like green n choc lar......natural...segar...nyaman.....hahahahha.....erm....tapikan ape yang dinyatakan diatas turh sedikit sebanyak ader jugak yang kena ngan aku....wah....sedebik....that me also......lastly silence is better...

p/s YANNZ aku lembut takkk??????????????????

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